During menstruation, do not “drink coconut water” is it true?

Understanding the month
First of all, many people still have misconceptions about bad periods. that menstruation is the waste blood that leaves a woman’s body which if the menstruation is not normal or does not come Will cause the blood to remain in the body. This belief is wrong! Menstruation is not blood loss in any way. because of menstruation (Menstruation) is the blood and endometrial tissue that comes out every woman’s menstrual cycle.
which endometrial tissue that Every woman must have it when she reaches maturity. Because reproduction is a natural matter of living things, every 21-35 days a woman’s body will always create new endometrial tissue. To prepare for the implantation of the embryo if it is fertilized Or simply call it ready to have children. (when pregnant The endometrial tissue is where the sperm implants the child. There are two types of hormones that control endometrial shedding : estrogen and progesterone. (Progesterone) both hormone levels are associated with ovulation.
But if there is no fertilization The endometrium becomes “functionally inactive,” breaking down and sloughing off from the body, so a period is just the inactive endometrial tissue of the previous cycle. therefore came out with only blood It’s not bad blood at all.
Coconut water and menstruation
on average A woman will ovulate about 450 times in her lifetime. More than 80 percent of women are reported to experience mild discomfort during their periods. And there are some symptoms that appear before and/or during menstruation, such as swelling, breast pain, fatigue, tiredness, headache, fever, irritability, mood swings. (Some women are able to cry because they are “hungry.”) Additionally, up to three-quarters of women suffer almost every month from the condition. “period pain”
However, menstrual pain can be alleviated with phytoestrogen type chemical compounds (Phytoestrogens) (phytoestrogens non-nutrient because it does not provide energy and does not affect the growth of the body), which acts similar to the sex hormone estrogen effect on the central nervous system and stimulates the growth of the reproductive organs
But coconut is a plant that is rich in phytoestrogens. 100 grams of coconut contains 42 mcg of phytoestrogen, which is quite a lot compared to other fruits and vegetables. More importantly, it also has a high nutritional value. Both vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B7 (biotin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), folic acid (folic acid), vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin C (ascorbic acid). ) and mineral salts such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, zinc, so coconut water is well known as Mineral water from nature
not only that Coconut meat also contains amino acids, carbohydrates, antioxidants. And various enzymes that are essential to health and coconut water is low in calories, low in fat, and also contains dietary fiber. Makes coconut water a very popular natural drinking water. Because in addition to those nutrients, it also tastes good, sweet, easy to find and eat. Report from โปรโมชั่น ufabet