Lavender is a purple flower that many people are familiar with. In addition to being able to extract scent for use in various fields such as making perfume. Or mixed in food to flavor it to make it appetizing Lavender flowers and extracts obtained from this flower may have medicinal properties that can help treat certain diseases.
Lavender essential oil and lavender tea are popular products use and consumed. Because it is believe that it may have properties in treating or curing certain illnesses and disorders.

Lavender It comes from the Latin word “Lavare” which means “to wash.” If we go back to Roman times, we will see that people used lavender to clean their clothes to keep them smelling clean and fresh. And is commonly use to clean bed linens From legend it is said that Queen Cleopatra sprayed lavender scent on her body in order to seduce her lover. And it is said that couples will never quarrel when sprinkl with lavender scent on the bed. In the Middle Ages, Maidens in the Alps Put lavender petals on your lover’s clothes to make him think of you always. ยูฟ่าเบท specify that this is why lavender has become a popular scent. especially couples.
Lavender is a flower that is commonly use for extracting essential oils. Most people know that its scent has properties that help relax the brain and body. Not all lavender has emotional benefits. But it also has good benefits for the body’s health. The scent of lavender will help reduce your heart rate. including blood pressure Makes you feel relaxed and sleepy. And results in better sleep If you want to sleep well. Just put dried lavender flowers in a vase and place it at the head of your bed. Or you can use essential oils that can help as well.
Lavender is a flowering plant that has Many benefits Because. It is use as a disinfectant to clean public baths and also It was use to disinfect hospitals during World War I. Where its oil was believe to be effective in treating scars. And the fragrance can revive morale, which lavender flowers Mixed. With lavender wood, it gives a pungent scent, but it stimulates the mind and calms the mind.